5-9 October 2020
Laboratorio de fenomenología corporal
An embodied approach to the study of experience
The conference will take place from the 5th to the 9th October, in an ON-LINE format, using the Zoom platform, over the course of five days. It will combine oral presentations and practical workshops. Poster presentations will be available on our website during the duration of the conference.
For more details and registration:
28 May 2019
Institute for Medical Humanities
Durham, United Kingdom
Phenomenology Four Ways: An International Workshop
“Phenomenology Four Ways” brings into dialogue six eminent researchers at the forefront of phenomenological psychopathology, microphenomenology, Descriptive Experience Sampling, and Latina Feminist phenomenology. Through pre-circulated readings and high-level presentations on methodology, the workshop will be an opportunity for robust facilitated discussion about the use of phenomenology, what it affords, achieves, does and perhaps does not or cannot do.
Invited speakers:
Russ Hurlburt, University of Nevada, USA
Mariana Ortega, Penn State University, USA
Claire Petitmengin, Institut Mines-Telecom and Archives Husserl, ENS Paris, France
Louis Sass, Rutgers University, USA
Borut Skodlar, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Camila Valenzuela Moguillansky, Laboratorio de Fenomenología Corporal, Chile
22 March 2019
The British Psychological Society
Applying Phenomenology in Experiential Research
This workshop will address different ways of applying phenomenology in experiential research. We are fortunate to have leading experts in the field speaking at this event.
The workshop is aimed at postgraduates, researchers and psychological practitioners with an interest in experiential/phenomenological research methods.
This workshop content is suitable for those working in the field, wanting to expand their understanding and those new to phenomenological methods.
9:30 am - 4:30 pm
30 Tabernacle Street
Speaker list:
Professor Jim Morley
Ramapo College of New Jersey, New York. Descriptive Phenomenological Method
Professor Claire Petitmengin
Archives Husserl, École normale supérieure, Paris. Micro-phenomenology
Dr Virginia Eatough
Birkbeck, University of London. Hermeneutic phenomenology and Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
19-20 March 2019
Interacting Minds Center, Aarhus, Denmark
PlayTrack Bootcamp on Mixed Methods approaches to subjective experience
Towards mixed methods in the exploration of subjective experience
Scholarly inquiry into subjective experience and how it shapes our ongoing actions remains one of the most important and contested aspects of social scientific inquiry. Terms from philosophy and psychology, from early in the last century, such as phenomenology and introspection were starting points for these inquiries that continue through today. In this workshop, we will reaffirm the importance of the study of subjective experience and examine contemporary approaches to this topic.
A rough dividing line can be drawn between contemporary approaches that look at subjective experience by asking the subject to provide this information through reporting on ‘internal’ experience and those that derive it by looking at its display in ‘external’ behaviour and interaction. The internal approach include very different methods starting from think aloud interview methods, with origins in information processing psychology, to Micro-Phenomenology, a methodology explicitly developed to study subjective experience that seeks to be both true to founding principles of philosophical phenomenology and to address critiques about introspection-like methods. The external approach shows a similar variety around the leading method of interaction analysis, rooted in conversation analysis and ethnomethodology, traditions that themselves have roots in what came to be called social phenomenology, initiated most substantively by Schutz. Lastly, there are methods that use physiological measures to make inferences about subjective experience, which we refer to as physiological approaches.
In this workshop, we will explore a range of methods belonging to one of the three approaches and consider affordances and challenges of each of them. The main goal however will be to look for opportunities to synthesise these approaches toward new insights and approaches to studying subjective experience.
Speaker list:
Claire Petitmengin (Micro-Phenomenology),
Donata Schoeller (Gendlin's focusing method),
James Morley (Giorgi's descriptive phenomenological method),
Reed Stevens (Interaction Analysis),
Mari Levin (Knowledge Analysis)
21-22 January 2016
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago du Chili
Instituta de Sistemos Complejos de Valparaiso
International seminar "Neurophenomenology: Building a science of experience"
The aim of this seminar is to reflect and discuss, from different approaches and disciplines, the current state, problematic and possibilities of Neurophenomenology. More particularly, this seminar is an invitation a) to revisit the original intention of the Neurophenomenological research program, and to assess how much its development has been satisfied; b) to revise the current practical and epistemological problems of carrying out the integration of an experiential and a naturalistic approach; c) to share methodological solutions to carry such integration forward.
26-27 October 2015
Universités Paris-Sorbonne et Panthéon-Sorbonne
Maison de la Recherche, 28 rue Serpente, Paris
Conférence "Subjective data and science of consciousness - How can subjective data inform a science of consciousness?"
The recent growth of neuroimaging techniques raises quite a few philosophical and methodological issues: how should we interpret the neuronal data which underlie our conscious processes? Reviving the metaphysical question of the relationship between the body and the mind, these advances also bring forward an epistemological discussion: how can we relate - in practice - the informations that a subject gives us (through verbal reports) to the behavioral data and physiological measures which are part of the scientist’s toolbox for a study of consciousness? This event aims at gathering philosophers of science as well as neuroscientists and experimental psychologists, but also qualitative researchers in order to reach together a better understanding of the relationships that those different types of data entertain. We think that such an interdisciplinary dialogue will enable us to move forward on the fascinating - yet winding - road of the empirical study of consciousness.