Upcoming Seminars
Past Seminars
Réunions du Réseau francophone de chercheurs autour des thématiques Expérience, Phénoménologie et Introspection – REFEPI
Calendrier 2019 - 2020
Mardi 28 janvier 2020 9h30-17h à Lyon, ENS site Descartes
Mardi 24 mars 2020 9h30-17h à Marseille, sur le campus CNRS Joseph Aiguier
Mardi 19 mai 2020 9h30-17h à Lyon, ENS site Descartes
Contact : Magali Ollagnier-Beldame, magali.ollagnier-beldame@ens-lyon.fr
Séminaire « Entretien d’explicitation et Recherche », ENS de Lyon
Ce séminaire s’adresse aux chercheurs utilisant des données expérientielles pour leurs recherches et formés à l’entretien d’explicitation (niveau 1 demandé, niveau 2 vivement conseillé).
Le principe est de venir présenter un travail de recherche s’appuyant sur des données issues de l’entretien d’explicitation. Nous vous proposons de partager les choix que vous avez faits pour l’analyse de ces données - modèle d’analyse éventuel, grain d’analyse, analyse qualitative et/ou quantitative, etc. - ainsi que les difficultés que vous avez pu rencontrer, et également les réussites !
​Calendrier 2018-2019
Mardi 2 octobre 2018, 9h30-17h30
Mardi 11 décembre 2018, 9h30-17h30
Mardi 5 mars 2019, 9h30-17h30
Lundi 29 février 2016, 9h30-17h30
Lieu : ENS de Lyon, 15 parvis René Descartes 69007 Lyon
Contact : Magali Ollagnier-Beldame, magali.ollagnier-beldame@ens-lyon.fr
Micro-phenomenology seminar
Organized within the context of the Archives Husserl, ENS
by Claire Petitmengin and Michel Bitbol, in collaboration with Natalie Depraz
Micro-phenomenology is a newly developed method of descriptive phenomenology, making it possible to gather, notably by means of interviews, very precise descriptions of situated experiences, and to compare them in order to detect possible invariants. The aim of the seminar is to consolidate the epistemological and philosophical foundations of this approach, based on an empirical investigation of the process of "putting experience into words". Verbal description has been criticized for disturbing, distorting or reifying experience, and words have been criticized for their inability to describe it finely. However it seems that a disciplined study of the very act of description makes it possible to nuance these criticisms, and to progress in the understanding of "what words do to experience."
Program 2016-2017
Thanks to a reflexive return on the very act of description, we will study the modes of validation of a description, as well as the effect of words on experience, whether perlocutory effects of the investigator's questions and prompts, effects of the process of verbal description on the speaker's experience, or effect of the description on the receiver's experience. Several empirical micro-phenomenological research works will be presented and discussed.
Monday 10 October 2016 4:30pm - 6pm
Michel Bitbol
La validation intersubjective (Intersubjective validation)
Monday 5 December 2016 4:30pm - 6pm
Eve Berger
La micro-phénoménologie radicalement en première personne comme méthode de recueil de données de recherche : éléments méthodologiques (Using micro-phenomenology as a method for collecting research data radically in the first person: methodological elements)
Monday 30 January 2017 4:30pm - 6pm
Natalie Depraz, Thomas Desmidt and Maria Gyemant
Analyser en première personne: une méthode générative utilisant des données en troisième personne. Le cas de la surprise et de la dépression (Analyzing in the first person: a generative method using third-person data. The case of surprise and depression)
Monday 27 March 2017 4:30pm - 6:30pm
Frédéric Borde
Décrire la subjectivité dans son organisation : l'intention éveillante comme condition de possibilité (Describing subjectivity in its organization: the awakening intention as condition of possibility)
Monday 22 May 2017 4:30pm - 6:30pm
Emily Hammond
Developing a micro-phenomenology of emotion for the enrichment of affective science.
Although emotions and affectivity are a fundamental aspect of human life, to date, precise experiential accounts of how emotions unfold have received scant attention in the research literature in scientific psychology. This talk will present an in-progress study which uses micro-phenomenology to explore the experiential characteristics of dynamic affective responses with established meditation practitioners. The aims of the research are two-fold: empirically, to develop a rich corpus of fine-grained descriptions of emotion dynamics, and methodologically, to identify concrete steps towards effectively applying micro-phenomenology in the domain of affective science. Preliminary findings will be presented, together with reflections on what they might suggest for the fruitful integration of micro-phenomenology with the practices of experimental affective science.
Place: ENS, bâtiment Lhomond, 24 rue Lhomond, room L361 (10/10 et 5/12/2016, 22/5/2017), room L369 (30/1) , room L374 (27/3/2017)
Contact: Marcus Weisen <marcus.weisen1@gmail.com>
Program 2015-2016
« Describing sensory experience »
Starting from the description of sensory experiences, we will achieve a reflexive return on the very process of description. We will explore the micro-actions mobilized by this process and their impact on experience. We will explore the hypothesis according to which the choice or the creation of right words, far from impoverishing experience, makes it possible to discriminate in it previously unseen aspects, to intensify it and to refine its consciousness. We will also consider the effect of a description on the receiver's experience.
The seminar will consist of five days, each one being devoted to the description of a sensory modality and to the analysis of the corresponding description process.
Monday 14 December 9:30am - 5pm
Describing tactile experience
Monday 1er February 9:30am - 5pm
Describing olfactory experience
Monday 29 February 9:30am - 5pm
Describing auditory experience
Monday 18 April 9:30am - 5pm
Describing gustatory experience
Monday 23 May 9:30am - 5pm
Describing visual experience
Place : 29 rue d'Ulm, salle 235C
Contact : Marcus Weisen marcus.weisen@ens.fr